Church Wedding on March 21st
Kicking off the start of wedding season early with a beautifully intimate wedding! Amanda and Daven opted for a small and peaceful ceremony at the Cramer Memorial United Methodist Church. Honestly, this is where harp shines the most! I was able to play just loud enough to be heard, but not overpower the ethereal mood. It was also my first time taking my new iPad system out for a spin! Finally was able to transfer all my gigging music to my iPad and with the help of a bluetooth pedal, was able to turn pages without my hands leaving the harp! This will definitely come in handy once I start playing outdoor weddings again as the weather warms up. No more eternal fight between my music and the wind! Congrats to Amanda and Daven on joining your two beautiful families! Music selections: Entrance of Mothers: Be Thou My Vision Bridesmaid: Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring by JS Bach Bride: Prelude in C by JS Bach During the reading: For The Beauty Recessional: Little Fountains by Sam Pratt