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Summer at Langtree Plantation

Summer wedding season is definitely here in Charlotte. I'm grateful for any opportunity to play for couple's wedding ceremonies...and the ability to play in a summery dress and not my traditional Charlotte Symphony long sleeve all black ensemble. For this wedding, I had two rarities occur; not only was the wedding on a Sunday afternoon, bu this was actually a repeat customer! I had played for Renee's daughter's wedding back in early 2017 and when the time came for her son to get married, Renee asked me to play again! This made me beyond ecstatic that I was able to play for not one, but two wedding ceremonies for this sweet family.

The Langtree Plantation in Mooresville was gorgeous, as most outdoor locations in Charlotte are once everything has bloomed! We got lucky with good weather and I was able to try out my new deck tiles for playing on grass. I normally insist on playing on a flat surface (like a brick walkway or front porch), but the gazebo wasn't a great option for placement for sight lines, so I whipped these out of my car and had it assembled quickly. Thanks, IKEA!

The couple chose these musical selections:

Seating of the Mothers: Ave Maria by Schubert

Bridesmaids: Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring by Bach

Flower girl and Ring bearer: Dance of the Blessed Spirits by Gluck

Bridal Procession: "Here Comes the Bride"

Recessional: Concerto in B-flat for Harp by Handel

After the ceremony, I headed on over to play the cocktail hour at their (thankfully) indoor reception location. I'm sad I forgot to snag a picture of the reception, but just imagine high ceilings, great acoustics, and a stone building that looked so in place with the rest of the historical plantation! Congratulations to Bailee and Jared!

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